Second Opinion for Traumatic Brain Injury
At St. Michael's Neurology & Pain Medicine, we understand that neurological and painrelated conditions often intersect with legal matters. They can be problematic at many levels, including diagnostic, therapeutic or medical-legal. Our team provides expert and unbiased medical opinions.
Our Expertise
We offer a range of specialized services designed to assist patients in planning their treatment based on evidence-based medicine. Also, we have the expertise to analyze and interpret specialized neurophysiological and advanced imaging studies that objectively demonstrate the nature of the injuries. We use unbiased scientific and advanced methods that can be utilized to map various neurological injuries to different areas of the brain. These techniques are sophisticated, backed up by strong medical peer-reviewed literature, and can demonstrate the presence or the absence of brain injury.

Figure legend. Imaging traumatic brain injury and concussion can be accomplished by various techniques. Dark orange to reddish areas are abnormal. This patient suffered a brain injury not visible by regular MRI scans or DTI examination. However, we showed typical pathology in brain areas responsible for the patient's symptoms. Despite the burden of the injury, the studies brought relief to the patient and her family, knowing that the complaints were not purely psychological or “imaginary.”