A hit to the head or an unexpected movement of the body can result in a concussion, a mild form of traumatic brain damage (direct impact on the head or loss of consciousness is not necessary). The term "moderate" does NOT, however, indicate a serious disability. Traffic accidents, slips and falls, and sports injuries are common causes. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, issues with balance and coordination, impaired eyesight, memory problems, anxiety, sorrow, and mood disturbances. The problem for patients is that MRIs and CT scans frequently fail to detect concussions in the majority of cases.

A Neurologist should be seen if you experience these symptoms. Most concussions could not, until recently, be proven. A new frontier has now emerged. For the purpose of accurately identifying and evaluating a concussion, we offer new cutting-edge neurological testing that can show the injury to the brain responsible for the symptoms.
Neurologists and therapists can then target the therapies to the brain damage.
Showing the concussion also makes it possible for lawyers and professionals in disability assessment to ascertain the biological basis of subjective complaints.
The following evaluations are part of the objective testing:
- Evaluation of the oculomotor system using videonystagmography (VNG)
- Posturography for balance and coordination
- Evaluation of memory and cognitive function (attention, problem-solving skills, others).
- EEG-based neuroimaging
- Modern imaging methods like DTI and SPECT scans
Together, these tests enable neurologists and rehabilitation specialists to make an objective determination of the underlying cause of the symptoms. Additionally, it enables neurologists to diagnose patients correctly and create a successful rehabilitation plan for them.
Call us if you have questions or if you need an evaluation and treatment recommendations for a possible concussion.